IoT for Bees

What is it?

iTRUBEC is connecting modern technology with traditions – Internet of Things (IoT) with beekeeping. We are monitoring bees using modern devices with different sensors and we are also fighting with Varroa Destructor by controlled heating of beehive.

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IoT beehive iTRUBEC

IoT beehive iTRUBEC

We installed a brand new IoT Beehive iTRUBEC on the roof of the F/G building of IBM Client Innovation Center in Brno, Czech Republic at the evening of July 23rd 2019. Since 10:40 pm CET that day are all the data from that IoT beehive being sent to ThingSpeak and visualised by MATLAB.

IoT beehive measures and collects following data:

  • Outside temperature
  • Outside relative humidity
  • Relative level of sunshine
  • Atmospherical pressure
  • Inside temperature (on several different places in the beehive)
  • Number of bees crawling out from the beehive
  • Number of bees crawling into the beehive

Based on the practical experience we have to admit we are not able to distinguish the direction which is the bee crawling - so the numbers of bees crawling shows rather the overall activity of bees.

You can check almost complete overview of the actual as well as historical (3 days back) data on the channel #813426 on ThingSpeak –

Since noon 28th July are data collected by IoT beehive iTRUBEC extended with data from Open Weather Map service. You can check the complete data IoT Beehive iTRUBEC is collecting in the data table below.

Video below was taken just a few minutes after we moved the hive to the new IoT beehive – bees are searching where to enter their new home and some of them found our Higway to Hive® :-) with BeeCounter.

Many thanks to all who made this small dream real!